Thursday, July 27, 2017

Living room: Reveal-ish

Okay people. Here's the thing. I am all over the place lately, like literally everywhere and I can't seem to complete one full project before we get crazy busy doing something else. The thing is, we are getting ready to head out on vacation and I didn't want to leave without showing you all the progress we've made in the living room. The problem? We didn't do anything to the fireplace yet. I know, I know, I should probably just wait until its ALL complete before I call it a reveal but that's why I'm calling it a reveal-ish. Get it? Okay cool, glad you're on board. Now on to the reveal-ish... If you remember, all we were doing to this space was the fireplace, the rug and adding a chair right? Well, like I said, the fireplace didn't get done, but we did get the chair and the rug in! Of course once you change one thing it seems like five more things have to change to get that vision you really want right? Only me? Hope not. Well that kinda happened in this space. Before we get to all that lets take a look at the befores, here is what it looked like when we first got the keys:

After we moved our furniture in:

and after we added the sofa table, which is where we left off in the last post about the living room:

I had planned arrange the furniture like this and call it good, but once everything was in place it felt so weird and unbalanced. It didn't look right at all.

the right side is completely bare while the left side is full

So, I moved the bookcase to the right side of the fireplace, the floor lamp to the right of the chair and added a cute garden stool [from At Home $34.99] on the left with some framed art to really complete the look. Alas it felt the way I wanted it to from the beginning. Here it is now, mostly complete.

so much more balanced! And with a wider, floor to ceiling fireplace, it will look even better


so that's what we are living with [and totally loving] right now. Thanks for sticking with me through all my all-over-the-place-ness, I promise I will get done with the fireplace, eventually. Maybe.


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