Friday, October 2, 2020

Progress Has Been Made!

 When we sold our old house the buyers wanted our bedroom furniture, which I was stoked about because I wanted to try a different style in this house anyway. Fast forward to move in day and I STILL hadn't found a bed I liked. I had the dresser and the nightstands but couldn't find exactly what I wanted (in my budget!). I even ordered two separate beds and then cancelled the orders because I changed my mind. So for the past month our room looked like this....

Mattress on the floor looking like a newlywed apartment. I ended up finding this bed on and while I liked it, I didn't love it, but I was so tired of sleeping on a mattress on the floor that I said screw it and ordered it. 

I even created this mood board and started to really fall for the idea

It was supposed to arrive on Sept 23-the day after we got back from vacation-and I followed the tracking up until the 21st when it stopped moving. I knew with COVID things were taking longer but after a WEEK with no movement I contacted Target. They said it was lost and all they could do was refund or replace and a replacement wouldn't arrive 'til October 8 (if it didn't get lost too!). Initially I decided to replace but after thinking it over I cancelled it and bought a cheap platform frame from Amazon until I could really figure out what I wanted. 

A couple days later I get an alert that a package arrived on my doorstep and lo and behold-it was the Target bed! I thought about returning it (due to my other order having been placed and wanting to find something I LOVED) but when I opened it to take a peek I fell so hard. The color was prettier in person and I just had to have it. My friend helped me put it together and once I saw it all in the space I knew it was the right one. 

Here's how our room looks today...

Down the road we want to change the light fixture and possibly add some picture frame molding (New Orleans style!) to the large wall on the left, but for now we are so happy to be off the floor and in a more sophisticated room.
