Thursday, June 29, 2017

Vintages Market Days: Colorado Springs

I haven't been to a single market yet this year so when the Vintage Market Days of Colorado Springs rolled around I knew I couldn't skip it, and I'm glad I didn't.

As you walked in there was this awesome backdrop for photos that I just loved !

Walking through the gates was pure farmhouse heaven! Almost all the vendors were geared toward this particular style. It was packed though and very difficult to get into each booth so we made a couple rounds through to make sure we didn't miss anything great. I am not in the market for much right now as we are trying to save up for landscaping [eek its going to be a long and expensive one] but I did pickup a few awesome pieces. Here's my finds.


Garage Makeover: Part 2 [Rustoleum garage floor transformation review]

Its been quite a while since I've given an update on the garage and that's because we haven't done anything with it. Oops! But we are finally back with the garage makeover part 2, the floors.

Most people don't even know about all the products for garage floors. Basically, with these kits, if you spill something, track in mud or if you have a mechanic husband like me who tracks oil everywhere,  it all rinses right off, and with all the projects [both car and home] that we do, we needed a way to protect the concrete, which is why we chose to do this and we decided on this kit by Rustoleum.

The first thing we did isn't part of the kit and isn't really important but Zack wanted to do it so i thought Id mention it. We bought a concrete filler from Lowes and filled in the cracks in the concrete so that when we rinse it out we can squeegee it without the water falling into the cracks. To do this we mixed the powder with water [follow the directs on the back] and shoveled a little into the cracks and smoothed it over with a 4" putty knife. First off, it cracked really bad [which showed through the epoxy] and then we had to grind it down with our angle grinder to get it smooth, its a dusty and annoying job. If we had to do it again we wouldn't so there's that...

*We did try using the Rustoleum kit that's supposed to be made for this purpose but it was messy and expensive, to do the entire garage would have cost us over $100 where as the concrete patch was around $30 but the Rustoleum can be sanded with a regular sander and wouldn't have shown through under the epoxy so it would've been easier.*

Moving on.

Now, you can start with the kit. The first step is to rinse the concrete REALLY well, you want all the dust gone.

then you mix the concrete etch into water according to the directions [we used a watering can to make it easier] and you'll want to scrub the floors really well with this mixture. You'll hear it sizzling on the floor.

Rinse, rinse, rinse.  You want all the etch off the concrete.
Push all the excess water out with a squeegee if you have one if not just use a clean broom. We did this a while back when we first moved in so we didn't feel it was necessary to do it again.

Wait until the concrete is completely dry before moving on.

Mix the paint according to the instructions. Start by painting the outside edges. Work in small sections.

Next, you'll want to pour the paint into a pan and use a roller. Again, work in small sections and throw down the chips as soon as you finish painting a section so they stick well. Don't try o do the whole floor at once before throwing down the chips because they will not stick.

*Zack and I have a bunch of stuff in the garage so when he did this project [I was out of town] he moved everything to one side of the garage and did that side, waited 3 days then moved everything to the painted side and did the other side. The only issue with doing this was when we overlapped a little on the edges, now that its dry the areas that overlapped are more shiny than the areas with one coat. [We aren't too concerned because Zack wants to add a shiny clear coat someday down the line but for you I would recommend you do it all at once and avoid overlapping.] *

We waited 3 days before putting things back on it and 5 days before we drove on it.

We are okay with how they came out but honestly wouldn't use this product again. It says its an easy one coat application for a shiny show room quality floor but that's a lie. Its more of a matte finish and will show EVERY LITTLE imperfection through it. Next time we will look harder into the product before we use it. However, looking on the bright side, it doesn't look TOO bad. Check out our before and after.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Las Vegas Inspiration

I recently got back from a work trip to Las Vegas, I know, my boss is awesome, anyway, if you've ever been to Vegas the one thing you know for sure is that the hotels are elaborate, and ours was no exception. We actually stayed off the strip in a really pretty resort but I gathered inspirations from all the hotels we visited.

Ill start with our hotel, the Green Valley Ranch. It had a very Mediterranean vibe to it with a tile roof, cream stucco, pillars and cement tile. I never really paid attention to this style before but this place really gave me a new appreciation for it.


Here's our room:
*the photos were taken from the website as my photos turned out so dark*

I loved the simple, elegant look to it.
Our view wasn't bad either...

The bar area had this amazing light and the counter top was lit from underneath, so cool! 

I was actually in love with the lobby bathroom. Those mirrors, that tile..LOVE!

Even little random nooks in the hallways were decorated to the nines. I wanted to wrap up all the chairs and pillows and take them home.

But the best part was the exterior.

The pool was a work of art, I swear. It had a sandy beach area that reached into the shallow water so when you walked in it felt like you were walking into the ocean [minus the crashing waves].

There were some small tanning pools and several airy cabana beds...


It was pure heaven.

On our one exploration day we headed to the strip and checked out several of the hotels, but my favorite was, of course, Caesars Palace. The elaborate ceilings drew me in and I couldn't stop looking up. Its one of those things that make you appreciate the time and effort put into such small details. It also make you wonder why people don't make things like they used to. Just look at this beaut.

We wandered into several other hotels but i was tired and forgot to take photos for the most part but ill leave you with a few little shots I did grab!

The Chandelier Bar
makes you feel like you are sitting inside a chandelier 

The Bellagio

Any hotels you've stayed at with decor that inspired you?
