Thursday, July 23, 2015

Its only July but...

I am well aware that it is only July. Don't remind me. Colorado summers are nice, don't get me wrong, but Colorado in the fall is just amazing. We are one of the only states that actually gets all four seasons and I love that about Colorado, but i get most excited about fall. I just LOVE fall and lately I have been thinking a lot about how I want our home to look in the fall, [mostly because hobby lobby put out all their fall and Christmas decor and it got me in the spirit] and I've come up with a mood board [told you I love mood boards!] for how I will be decorating this fall!

I don't usually decorate for specific seasons and usually even for Christmas I just put up a tree and call it good, but not this year. This year I want to go all out! As you can see I'm still sticking to my neutrals with just a few pops of colors thrown in but what can I say, Im a creature of habit!

 I'm getting excited, even though we don't really get our first frost until Halloween I feel like fall is just around the corner and I cant wait to make all these changes!


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