Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Battle of the couch.

I really don't like my couches. I really, really don't like them. Most people would say why not jsut get a new one? well, they ARE new. Like a couple months old. I had a white couch that I LOVED, but I have two bigger dogs so it got dirty all the time. I bought it used and had it for a couple years so it was time for an upgrade. I never really buy new things, so for once, I really wanted a new couch. At the same time, Kelsey was moving into her own place and didn't have living room furniture, so I promised it to her. Well, she was moving soon so I didn't have a lot of time to really think about what I wanted because I didn't want to be without a couch and i didn't want her to be without one either, so I didn't really think about what was best for us and kind of just went with what I thought would be most aesthetically pleasing and bought this one. HUGE mistake. One of my dogs has long, white fur and she sheds like nobody's business and on a very dark couch it is so noticeable. You can see every.single.hair. We have tried everything to stop her shedding and nothing has worked, so after a week of vacuuming it for half and hour a day, EVERY day, I was over it. I AM over it. I have been begging Zack to let me get another one. He wants to kill me. Haha. I know Ill talk him into it eventually, but for now I am just looking for the perfect one. My PLAN is to get this one from Ikea.

Its the Ikea Ektorp sofa in Blekinge White and what I love most is that it looks a lot like this one from Pottery Barn that I cannot afford, so its a win for me.      

Zack isn't exactly thrilled about having a white couch again but the covers are washable on this one so if I DO ruin the cover, a new one is only $100. Cant beat that. I am definitely thinking this will be our next big purchase unless I can find a used one on Craigslist, which I am really hoping for. Fingers crossed! 


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