Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My "tiny" dream

No, we aren't selling our home and moving into a tiny home, this isn't that kind of post. I do however dream to own one someday, but not to live in. Remember when i said a while back that I'm really bad at following through with things I say i want? This is one of those things. i have, for a few years now, wanted to open my own shop. I want to sell farmhouse decor, antiques, jewelry and homemade items. Zack has always been supportive but he and I both knew that we would probably never be able to afford to rent out a space to do that. Enter the tiny house movement. Tiny homes are made from basically everything these days: buses, converted train cars, barns and sheds, I couldnt ever actually picture it for my business but then Zack and i were running into Home Depot the other day [we cheat on Lowes occasionally] and this beaut was chilling in the parking lot....

I was instantly excited and made Zack tour it with me. Surprisingly, he loved it too. Its the wrong color for me but everything else is perfect for a little store, don't you think? Its got the perfect place for a checkout counter just under the stairs to the right side,

as well as a spacious loft.

My customers would have ample space to shop and I would have more than enough room for my products. I can picture it.

Of course this exact model [it had "upgrades"] was somewhere around $15,000 which is still an affordable option but the base model was only around $7400 and we could do our own "upgrades". Zack is really handy. he can build almost anything so its a great option for the future. the other great thing is that its a small enough footprint that we could possibly fit it on the side of our home that we plan to build one day [can you say short walk to work!].

Basically I'm saying that someday I'm gonna own a tiny store. Someday.


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