Saturday, February 18, 2017

DIY faux olive leaf wreath

I found this wreath from Pottery Barn and I was so in love with it, but as usual, it was way out of my budget. I mean, $80 for a wreath is a bit excessive. I did a lot of googling to try to find a comparable option but I couldn't, so I decided to DIY one. Its not perfect, and its not exactly like the Pottery Barn one but for a fraction of the cost I'd say it turned out pretty well. Lets get started.

First, I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up an olive leaf garland [$24.99 but was 50% off so $12.50] and a grapevine wreath [$3.99 but I had a 40% off so $2.40]. The only other things I used were some jewelry wire I had on hand and some scissors.

In order to get the rustic look the inspiration wreath had I needed to remove some branches. This part has no real method. Just start pulling the branches apart and breaking some off until you get the desired effect.

Next, the olive leaf garland I got was also too full so I started pulling the leaves off until it looked a lot more bare, save the leaves though, you can add more fullness in spots later.

you can see the front part is thinned out and the back is still full

Then, I attached the garland around the wreath using jewelry wire tied tightly around the branches of the wreath

cut the wire really short so you can see it and tuck it under the leaves

Now, you just want to add in some leaves where the wreath shows through too much, you can do this by popping them back onto the little spines you pulled them off of.

way too bare

I am happy with how my wreath turned out although I wish I could have had some faux olives to add in but overall I think I accomplished what I was hoping to.
much better

To see where this little project is going you'll just have to keep reading!


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