Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Updates to our home

If you thought we were completely done you are sadly mistaken. This house, while fairly new, is very outdated. Pretty much every room could use some work. Over time a certain area will bug me so much that I get to the point where I HAVE to change it. Then I do and the next room bothers me and so on this cycle goes. Right now there are 2 areas that bug me. The dining room and the laundry room.

The dining room received a mini makeover when we first moved in, I painted the walls and we changed out the chandelier.

Now, I am just a little bit over the furniture in here. I think the table is so small for the room and its kind of a crappy table so we never use it anyway so I started shopping around but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for in the price range I needed. Enter Pinterest. I found this table and immediately fell in love. I'm not going to write a tutorial since there's so many online but this is the one we followed and just adjusted to fit our specs.We don't have much time to work on it since Zack is only here 2 days a week but all we have left is to build the bench. Its a lot of effort but its going to look so much better when we're completely done. Here's where we're at right now...

Moving on to the laundry room. Technically this is our powder room AND laundry room, [I know, worst design ever] and it has always bothered me.

The wire shelf, the ugly light, the dingy walls. Its definitely time for a makeover. Here's my inspiration.....

And here's the plan.


Not sure how soon we'll finish but we've already started so sometime the near future I might start to enjoy doing laundry.... or maybe just hate it a little less.


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