Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Black Doors

I have been eyeing all these amazing bloggers with black doors and I really really wanted to do it myself but I wasn't sure what my landlord would think. I mean, black doors are a huge commitment, once its done its not going back. Finally, one day I just texted him saying "How would you feel if all the doors in your house were black?" and I attached a couple pics of my inspiration...

My favorite blogger, Jenna Sue Design has black doors all over her house, click here for more pics

or this one.... lovee
To my surprise, he wrote back, "Looks interesting, go for it!" I was shocked but didn't want to ask questions so I went to Walmart and picked up a can of Glidden High Endurance grab-n-go paint in Onyx Black [satin/eggshell finish], a paint brush and a trim roller. As soon as I got home I started on the first door...

I'm not going to give a full tutorial because there's a ton on Pinterest you can follow but all I did was removed the knobs and left the door attached, brushed on two coats in the border areas, then rolled two coats over the whole door. I didn't seal them or anything and so far they are holding up great. Here's the kitchen doors....

 And the entryway doors ...

The upstairs doors....

And a little before and after.

What a difference its made! I am in love with them and I know you might think they darken a space but honestly I don't feel like they do. They look so rich and custom. Definitely another step to making this house our home. Next on my list is replacing all those gold knobs! Yuck! Who ever thought gold was a good idea? Till next time!


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