Tuesday, January 5, 2016

After Christmas update

I was so excited to start decorating for Christmas, I even decorated EARLY this year, but by the time Christmas actually rolled around I was done. I was ready to get rid of the tree and the greenery and the RED, oh the red. One thing you should know about me is, I HATE red. HATE it with a passion. It is my least favorite color ever and even though I only used a tiny bit for the holidays it was driving me nuts. So, point of the story is the day after Christmas i took everything down and put up my usual rustic/farmhouse stuff and I feel so much better. I'm not sure how long we will be in this home, things aren't exactly working out the way we had hoped and Zack and I are thinking maybe we need a huge change. We aren't quite sure what that means right now but we are craving financial freedom and the chance to someday own our own home and right now that isn't happening and so we'll see how long all this lasts but for now this is how the house looks. Hope you like it!


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