Saturday, May 6, 2017

Master Bedroom Updates

I feel like I've redone our master bedroom so many times. I cant seem to get it to a point that is me. Lately though, I've made a few changes and I'm starting to feel like its getting there. First things first, I knew I wanted to paint the dresser. I was getting sick of the white and needed a change.

I grabbed a quart of my favorite color from Lowes, Valspar Ocean Storm, added about 1/4 cup of Plaster of Paris to the can and shook it up. Next I taped off the drawers and threw some plastic under the legs.

Then I went to town. I painted two coats in all. Here it is after one coat.

Then the second coat.

After that I removed the drawers to get into all the crevasses.

After that dried I put it all back together and waxed the piece using Minwax Finishing Wax.

Basically, you want to put a generous amount of wax onto a clean cloth and rub it all over the piece. I made especially sure I go over the hardware holes well so that they don't peel when I put the hardware back on.

After I applied the wax I let it dry overnight before putting the handles back on. I am so happy with the outcome. It darkens the room a bit (which is what I was hoping for) but doesn't seem like a clunky piece that doesn't belong.

The other major change i made was our duvet. I loved our plaid duvet we had for a while but it was a flannel material and it showed the dogs hair so bad, plus, it pilled super bad every time I washed it and was super warm, which doesn't work for Zack and I, (people who keep the A/C on all year round.) Needless to say it had to go. I did look for another plaid one in a lighter material but couldn't find anything. As I was searching I came across this photo*

*I cannot find the original source for the photo but its the Ralph Lauren Winter Rose collection thats been discontinued.*

and fell in love with the idea of a light floral pattern mixed with plaid. Instantly I knew that I wanted to go with the Alvine Kvist from Ikea. Its white, so great for our dogs, and it was a light material that was easily washable.

The last change I made was to remove the old DIY rustic sign I made a while back and I added a cute cattle breed gallery wall instead using cheap Ikea frames and pictures I found online. *

*I searched cattle breed drawings and it came up with a bunch that I printed on normal paper and threw into the frames*

Its amazing how just 3 small changes made such a difference in the overall feel of the space.

I'm still debating whether or not I should change the rug or just re-cover the bench so its not so matchy-matchy. Any thoughts?


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