Monday, March 27, 2017

My office reveal

When we walked this house for the first time we entered into the master bedroom and the realtor was like, " ..and look, his and hers closets.." and all I thought was "OFFICE!" Its literally the perfect size for me and like I have said before, I HATE wasted space. Zack and I jsut don't have enough clothing to really take up 2 entire walk in closets and we didnt want to use up a spare bedroom for no reason so he jsut went along with it although Im pretty sure he thought I was crazy at first...,most of my ideas are ;)

In order to turn it into a fun and comfortable office space I first needed to make it look like less of a closet, I.E. nix the shelves. It wasn't hard per se but I did utter a few choice words in the process because of the massive holes the anchors left. Fear not, I followed this great tutorial on Youtube for patching larger holes and I can confidently say that Zack could not tell where the anchors were at all! Home run!

After patching and painting the holes we added in my 2 file cabinets [these ones from Walmart] and a large piece of edge-glued panel wood from Lowes, [stained and white washed the way I do all the wood in my house][for a tutorial on this finish check out this post].

Then, we added this piece of bead board from Lowes along the back to hide the cords, threw up some more DIY faux floating shelves for decor, another DIY cowhide and a cool metal chair from AFW. The sign is handmade and the mirror is from Hobby Lobby. Here's the room now,

Its nothing fancy, and I cant seem to get a great photo of it since this room gets no light other than the ceiling one, but I love having a spot that doesn't take up major space in the house thats pretty AND functional. Lots of great posts are coming your way from this room right here!


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