


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

New House Update

Things with the new house haven't gone smoothly... and that's an understatement.

When we left off we had just gotten the walls and roof and we were under contract on the current house. Things went a little haywire since then. We did the inspection and only came back with minor things to fix, which was awesome. We thought everything was all good and went into the appriasal thinking we were done...wrong! Our appraisal came in $20k UNDER our asking price. We were furious. The appraiser didn't use any comps ouyr realtor sent over and refused to reconsider. At this point the buyers asked us to come down the $20k which we were not at all willing to do. We knew the house was worth what we were asking so we cancelled the contract. I was pretty upset. I didnt want to go back on the market and deal with the showings again but our realtor advised us this was the best course of action. The next day we had FOUR showings. By 3pm the people we were previously under contract with called our realtor and agreed to pay the $20k at closing. We agreed and went back under sontract. Though I was relieved to not have to get a new buyer and go through the process again I was a little frustrasted about the entire process.

During this time the new house really started coming together. We got concrete, exterior paint, drywall and texture!

We are so happy with how the progress is coming along but the its just been one tihng after another with the old house. This week we had the AC freeze up and water overfilled the coils and leaked into the ceiling which then leaked through the drywall downstairs. I tell ya, at this point I wanted to cry. We called our AC guy and got everything cleared up and since we caught the water quickly it didn't cause much damage, thank god!

At this point, I feel like we are barely hanging on to our sanity. Buying and selling is one of the most challenging things I think we have ever faced, we are so ready to close and get this over with. A few more weeks and we will be revealing our brand new home!


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