


Friday, May 29, 2020

New House Details

So excited to talk about the new house finally. We were trying to keep things under wraps until we were under contract and things were for sure, we even originally planned not to tell anyone until the day we got the new keys but its me, and I cant hold it in. 

First things first, its a single-story about 1500 sq ft 3 bed/2 bath/ 3 car garage on a corner lot. 

And here's how it looked the day we went under contract..

The design process was nerve wracking! Due to the Corona Virus it was a virtual appointment and I thought I knew what I wanted so I picked everything quickly and then kept having to message the designer to change it. I felt so bad! Luckily she was super understanding and kept making the changes until I was completely happy with it, which I TOTALLY AM! This is what we (ahem I) picked. 

You might be looking at that confused because its no where near the style of our current house but thats the point! With the new house I am going for a clean, modern but classic look. Here are some of my inspiration pictures.... 

Studio McGee

McGee and Co.

Halfway Wholeistic

I have started going through things and putting them aside for a huge garage sale before we move. Anything I dont sell is going to the Goodwill. Seriously, I'm not taking a single thing into that house that I am not completely in LOVE with. Not to mention its about 1000 sq ft smaller than our current house so I need to pare down anyway I want to go into this opportunity with a clean slate and no clutter! Here are a couple of my mood boards to paint the picture...
Dining Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom

And finally, this is where the build is now. We have walls and a roof! 

Just a few more months and lots of prayers and it'll be ours! 

Till next time! 

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