


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Admitting My Mistakes

It feels like I havent posted in forever. I really havent. Truth is, I'm not feeling very inspired right now. After our trip to California/Arizona I decided to completely redecorate into a boho theme. Y'all remember that right? Now I'm realizing I made a huge mistake. I love the bohemian style, dont get me wrong, but its like I sold all the things I had collected over the years, things I loved, and filled my home with a random slew of items that fit that theme. It didnt feel like home anymore. I actually got to this point where I was like I dont even want to live here anymore because this house has been such a challenge for me. In the end, I decided to cut my losses and go back to the roots of this blog: Farmhouse. No, I wont be re-buying all the things I sold. Unfortunately, those items are long gone and I have to let it go but I will be slowly re introducing that farmhouse style back. Also, I do still want to incorporate some bohemian items but only the things I LOVE! Of course, this means starting over, yet again. I went through the house and purged all the things that made me say "eh" and created a plan on paper for how I was going to put all these things together, and make them look good! It's frustrating, for me and I'm sure for you too. You're probably sitting there like, "damn girl, pick a lane!" Trust me, I feel the same way. But, I'm back with so many plans I can't wait to get started on. I'm feeling inspired again and I think I'm finally headed in the right direction this time! Thanks for your patience! Be back soon.


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