


Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's Been A While

If you follow me on Instagram (@jheglandhome) then you know I've been MIA because we got a new puppy, Stryker. He's been a time hog to say the least. I'm not at all complaining, I love him something fierce but its definitely made me take a little step back with decorating to focus on the new dynamic of our pack as well as training. I'm back at it now though, with lots of great updates for ya in the guest room, master, loft and office!

Again, if you follow me on Instagram you saw that I ordered a new bed frame for our master. I have always wanted a canopy bed and when this one popped up on Amazon for only $199 I had to pull the trigger. I still love the headboard I bought last year so I moved it to the guest room. After that little switch I started to see that maybe the little bamboo side tables weren't substantial enough for this room anymore and since I wanted new ones for the master anyway (our current ones are starting to  warp and mine doesn't shut easily anymore) I decided to move them into the guest room, sell the bamboo ones and move the dresser from the loft into our room and buy another one to match it. I also found a new throw (TJMaxx) and moved the old rug back in (I returned the diamond one to At Home) and changed the curtains to darker ones.  It was a lot of switching things around but I'm happy with how it's all working now.



Now, since I took the dresser from the loft i was left with a big empty spot here. Rather than buy another table to just set decor on I decided to make do with what I had already.

I've been struggling with where to put Stryker at night since he needs to be in a kennel. The kennel was too big for our room and office and I didn't want it downstairs in case he wakes up at night to go potty, so I needed a solution. Then, a light bulb went off. Why not move the office to the loft?! I have NO idea why I didn't do this when we moved in but better late then never. So now I have a much more open and bright office and the dogs have a space in our room that's hidden and functional. Eventually, before we sell this house, I will turn it back into an office for the purpose of staging but for now it's serving the purpose I need it to.

The dog room got a little mini makeover too because dogs like decor too!

Moving on to the master, I finally received the new bed frame and got it all set up. We changed out the curtains for something lighter and more airy. I took out the bench and swapped the bed ruffle for something more modern: a fitted sheet! Its looking much more grown up now!

The final update comes from outside. The landscape changed dramatically when we had the rocks put in last month but we still had the bare spot in the front where we had planned to put some desert plants and mulch to spruce it up.

We finally got around to it this weeks and what a change a little greenery makes! I love pulling up to that view everyday.

Check out a full tour of the house here if you're interested. Til next time!


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