Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wireless LED Lighting

I'm not sure why our kitchen gets so little light, maybe because of the way the house faces or maybe because some really smart builder decided that one single little boob light over the island would suffice, either way, we're fed up! The other night I was cooking and realized it was incredibly dark and I couldn't see what I was doing, then I realized the light under the microwave was burnt out! Seriously without that light you cant see ANYTHING on the stove top at night. At this point Zack is telling me we need to look into under cabinet lighting, we plan to add an actual wired in light above the sink eventually but we need something else in the meantime. I knew I didn't want any cords hanging out so it would have to be wireless. We searched online and found great reviews on a set from Amazon [linked here in case you'd prefer them] but then we were walking around Gordmans and found this set [link for Amazon if you want this set] with a switch for $19.99 ...

Its pretty easy to install, you just pop the back off and throw in some AAA batteries [buy a big pack, this set calls for 15 AAAs]  and twist it back on.

then you'll put the sticky pieces on...

Hang the switch somewhere within the range, I put ours next to the other switch for the island lights.

Now, turn the lights on before you hang them so you can see where they will shine before they get stuck down.

Then just stick it under the cabinet and enjoy!

These aren't as bright as we were hoping but they do provide more light for us which really was the goal and for only $20 I think it was a steal! Heres a lights off/lights on comparison.
off, during the day, no other lights on 

on, with no other lights on during the day.

and at night....
at night, all lights off

at night, only LED on 

at night, LED lights and microwave light on 



  1. I admire this article for the well-researched content and excellent wording. I got so involved in this material that I couldn’t stop reading. I am impressed with your work and skill. Thank you so much.

  2. Great solution that is both affordable and looks great :)
