Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Perfume Collection Storage

I collect a lot of things, tea towels, antique scales and fans and... perfume. At the moment I have over 50 bottles. I know what you're wondering, how do I choose which one to wear each day? Honestly, I grab whatever catches my eye that moment. I don't know why I got started on collecting them, maybe because I get them super discounted through my work or maybe because I'm just a weirdo [probably the last one]. So now, I have this big collection and no real way of storing them. Originally I had them in a drawer..

But then I outgrew that. Moved them to a small cabinet I was given...

Outgrew that too.
I kept searching Pinterest for ideas but nothing really came up except the idea for a large spice rack, which, is really awesome, but is also really expensive.


I eventually decided to do some more DIY faux floating shelves. Because of the narrow space I chose 1x4 cut to 24" long with two 3in "L" brackets on each shelf. [The bottom shelf is a 1x6x24"]

It was easy and took me all of a couple hours to go from this...

to this...

Now I can see ALL my fragrances. Or course, it does make it a little more difficult to choose in the morning now but that, I suppose, is a good problem to have!

What do you collect and how do you choose to display it? Show me!


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