Monday, January 16, 2017

The house search update

We found a house! Actually, it was the first house we saw. This house is incredible, really just everything we wanted. Its a brand new build just 30 minutes south of the city. Itll be a whole new experience for us since we've always lived in Colorado Springs but we are excited for the change. We ultimately decided to move out of town for a couple reasons. The first, the market in Colorado Springs is INSANE. Every house we sent to our realtor was already under contract or was a foreclosure, which we did NOT want. The second, this home will cost us about $50,000 LESS than homes half its size and a decade older here in the Springs so we really couldn't argue with the less money nicer, bigger space concept. I won't be showing any pictures or anything until its a done deal, you know how these things sometimes don't work out, but for now, we are under contract and so far things are moving smoothly so within a month or so we will know. Fingers crossed please.


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