


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

DIY Double Barn Doors

 Wow, its been a while since I've shared a project, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy! This project was one I knew we'd end up doing sooner rather than later because there was absolutely no privacy to our master bath. The problem with this opening, and the reason we built the doors from scratch, is its extremely tall. There aren't any standard doors we could find to fit and the cost of custom doors, plus needing two was outrageous, so we were left to DIY it. Here's the before:

And my terrible drawing of the plan:

To build the doors we purchased 3/4 in MDF from Lowes, thin square moulding from Lowes, this double barn door kit from Amazon, a set of 10 inch pulls from Amazon and these cup pulls from Amazon. All we did was cut the plywood in half (we had Lowes do this!), then we cut them to height with a circular saw. After the panels were cut we measured and cut the lathe pieces to fit (here's where you can really customize the doors!) and glued them down with E3000 using clamps to hold until the glue dried. Next, I caulked all the seams and painted, attached the handles and Zack attached the barn door hardware and we attached the track directly to the wall into the studs before placing the doors on the track.

They aren't perfect by any means, there is a small gap when closed as the MDF did warp in the garage due to the weather changed (don't do what we did and leave them out there, keep them inside if possible!), but we love them and they give us the privacy we wanted. 

Lots more DIYs coming up soon!


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