


Monday, December 4, 2017

DIY $20 and 10 Min Blanket Ladder

The title says all you need to know. $20 and 10 minutes of your time is all you need to make a stylish and functional blanket ladder. I don't know about your area but in Colorado these ladders are sold EVERYWHERE and people up price them so much! This one woman quoted my grandma over $65 for a six foot ladder. Crazy! Why pay someone to do something for you that you can do for yourself?

All you need [depending on the size you want] are two pieces of wood the same length [I chose 1x3x6 in pine] and one smaller sized piece for the rungs [I chose a 1x2x6 in pine].

Cut your smaller piece into sections keeping in mind that this is going to be the width of your entire ladder so don't go and choose 10" pieces because after you nail it down you're gonna have this super stick skinny ladder [unless that's what you're looking for, no judgement!] I made my rungs 21" and chose to do three rungs. If you want to do more you'll need another piece of wood the same size.

Also, I want to point out that I went with more expensive lumber for this project so you CAN do it for cheaper than $20 however, I chose the pieces that I did because they are perfectly straight and perfectly smooth. If you don't care about knots or curves in your wood, by all means choose the cheaper kind! My total came in at $19 and some change at Home Depot. 

Now that you have cut your rungs, lay the long pieces of your ladder down on a hard surface and place your rungs [however far apart you want, placed mine 12" apart] on top making sure that the rungs are completely flush with the side of the ladder.

Nail those puppies into place! [if you don't have a nail gun you can use small screws or a hammer and nails!]

Not too shabby right?

You can also flip it around so that you don't see the nail holes, either way, it looks awesome!

Then stain or paint however you see fit

And place it somewhere in your home that it can be admired!


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