


Friday, September 22, 2017

Master Bedroom-Six Months In

I mentioned a while back that I had decided to change our master bedroom up, again. I did show some pics of it on my Instagram but never got around to showing it on the blog. Well, today's the day. Don't ask me why cause I was just walking by it this morning and thought.. hmm I need to photograph this room still and BAM! a blog post was born. I didn't promise every post would be super interesting did I? Of course, no reveal post can be complete without some before pics so lets go all the way back to the day we got the keys...

then we threw in our old comforter....

then I tried to be all girly and go floral....

and now....

click here to read about how we hacked the Ikea Tarva dresser into this pretty nightstand 

 I feel like the plaid just suits me and now the room feels like it goes with the rest of the house, its masculine with just a touch of femininity. Other than getting a new, not so matchy-matchy rug, I'm hoping to keep it this way for a while !

Any rooms that you didn't quite get right the first or fifth time?


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