


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Black doors everyyyyy where

I'm quick with projects. Like, I can plan a project, shop, paint and accessorize in a week. Okay, that's an exaggeration. A month. The one exception is the black doors. Ohhhh the black doors. If you remember, I painted "all" the doors in my house black this summer, but I didn't really do all of them exactly. I sorta only did the ones people would see on the daily and just left the ones in our master bathroom because, well, there's three freaking doors in our bathroom. THREE doors. That's SIX panels to paint. I put it off long enough though and I knew if I wanted to ever really call my master bedroom FINISHED I'd need to tackle those doors. Here's what we were working with....

and after I started on the front sides....

the finished project....

I always say that painting your doors is the most time consuming, most rewarding project you can do. It takes absolutely for EVER but it's totally worth it in the end because they look so rich and custom. No one else in the neighborhood is gonna have them that's for sure. [probably because they don't have the time to paint on three coats front and back of 14 doors but that's beside the point] Any projects you finished that you felt the same way about? Tell me all about! 


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