


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How to find free art to print yourself

Fining affordable art is hard, I have been searching for a couple weeks now to find a print of cattle that wouldn't cost me $80, then I stumbled upon this, which states that, as long as the photo is listed as "labeled for reuse" or "labeled for reuse with modification" you can print that photo without copyright infringement. I thought, no way there's going to be any free images that I want, but I was totally wrong! Not only did I find the exact style of photo I was hoping for but I was able to also choose a quality of photo that could be printed in a very large size ! Let me show you how I did it.

1. Go to [I am using google chrome for this]  search for your image, I searched "cattle", then click images

2. click on search tools 

3. go to size> larger than> 4MP

4. go to usage rights>labeled for reuse or labeled for reuse with modification [choose this if you plan to edit the photo in ANY way, I planned to turn it black and white so this was the option I chose 

5. find the photo you want, right click and save as. Its literally so easy! After you have your art saved you can print any where prints are made, I use because its easy to upload the photos and pick them up later when I have time.  

I'm sure many people already knew this but I just figured it out and I'll definitely be using it in the future! Stay tuned because next week I have a really great money saving tutorial for you and you wont want to miss it! Til next time! 


*Disclaimer, if you use any photo that is not labeled for reuse you are stealing someone else's art and you are responsible for any repercussions. If you plan to sell the art you need to look up the rules for your area. I am not responsible for any damages created by using this method.*

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