


Monday, November 7, 2016

Guest Room: The story and the plan

By now you have seen pretty much every room in this house with the exception of one room: the guest room. The reason we havent ever shown it is because basically its not "ours". Let me explain. We rent from a friend of Zacks, he lives in another city a few hours away but has a job that brings him here about once a month. Before we moved in here we agreed that we would pay a much cheaper rent IF we let him stay with us one weekend a month. Sold. It was a great compromise. So, when he moved out originally he left his bed and a few odds and ends items in the room with the plan to take them with him eventually. That was over a year ago. Now, he hardly comes down anymore, we probably see him once every 3 months and it felt a little weird to have this room that wasnt being used and was just a closed door at the top of the stairs.

Its one of those things that just bugs me so badly that I have to do something about it so I called him and said, "Hey, what do you think about me doing a makeover on your room?" he told me to go for it, but not to make it for him but rather a guest room for anyone staying over [like my friends/family who stay here to watch my dogs when I go out of town]. I was thrilled. Immediately I created a mood board of my vision.

Then, we sold all the furniture that was in the room so we could start over with a clean palette and I started buying some of the items off my board. Most of it will be arriving next week so I need to get started with the painting. We will definitely have this one done within the next few weeks because we have some guests coming at the end of the month so just stay tuned! 


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