


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Couch Dilemma

I never had new furniture. Ever since we got married I have tried to be super frugal and purchased most of our furniture and accessories from Craigslist or thrift stores. When Zack got into trucking and our financial situation changed for the better we both decided it was time to be grown ups and start making purchases that we actually WANTED and not something we thought we could "make it work," so I bought these

I blame it on the fact that I was so excited to buy NEW furniture that i just picked something without much thought. Now, I know most people are wondering "whats wrong with them?" well, they are a very DARK denim color with a loose, thick weave and we have two dogs that shed like crazy! We don't allow them on the furniture and yet I find myself vacuuming the sofas 2-3 times a week and it takes me 30+ minutes each time. All the vacuuming is wearing the sofa down causing rips and pilling. It sucks because we've only had them a little over a year and I really do love the style but they just aren't practical anymore. I am busier than ever at work and will be starting school in the fall and I just don't want to spend what little time off I have vacuuming the crap out of my sofas. Although I hate to spend the money on new ones so soon I know its for the best. We went out shopping for a sofa for the man cave this week and came across this one...

I was smitten with it right away. The fabric is more like microfiber and more close in color to our dining chairs, which never show the dog hair and for the price, $278 each I just cant pass them up. I am planning on getting 2 and completely changing the layout of the living room.

 Zack thinks it'll look great but I'm not sold, it seems off balance to me with the lamp and table both being on the left and nothing substantial on the right sofa. I'm just not sure until I see it so I will probably try this layout first and if I end up hating it I"ll use the current layout....

Either way i cant wait to get them! Stay tuned!


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