


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

California Finds

We got back from California about two weeks ago and since we've finally fallen back into our routines I figured it was about time to share all the goodies I found while we were gone. We shopped pretty much everyday and I dragged Zack into every antique store we saw. By the time we left our truck was so full of stuff we had to pack our luggage into the back seat. It was awesome. I don't get to do things like that everyday so it was nice to just go a little crazy. I'm not going to show everything I got, most of it was odds and ends but I wanted to show off some of my favorite finds and where I got them. Here we go!

So first off, I collect a couple things: Vintage books and tea towels! I have so many tea towels. I can't help it! I snatched this one up at an antique store in Lake Havasu City for around $7.00

These awesome napkin rings are actually Cholla Cactus and I scored them at a swap meet in Lake Havasu for $.50 each! They also had large pieces for $1.00 each and I'm kicking myself for not grabbing a few. 

One of my favorite stores we stopped into was Tai Pan Trading. If you've never been there or don't have one near you, I'm sorry. This place was awesome! AND it was going out of business so everything was super cheap. I got the grey plates above for $1.97 each, the Aztec pillow below for $12.00 and the button pillow for $7.99... I picked up a few other things there too but these were my favorite! 

I snagged this adorable "Home Sweet Home" pillow at Burlington Coat Factory in Apple Valley for $12.99. We have a Burlington here in Colorado but they never have cute pillows like this. They also had some really expensive hair products for super cheap! I definitely stocked up. 

I got this rustic oar at an antique mall in Lake Havasu for $7.00! You CANNOT find oars like this in Colorado for less than $40.00 and I practically ran to the register with it. Best deal ever!

Like I said before, I collect vintage books and while we were perusing another antique shop in Lake Havasu we came across this ugly but awesome book. I planned to pass on it because the color is just not me but the owner of the shop told me it was from 1896 and I couldn't pass it up! It was around $10.00 [one of the most expensive ones I've bought] but I don't have any others that are that old and I needed it for my collection. It has easily become my favorite book so far. 

I think the best part about going on vacation is checking out local stores that we don't have near us, I found so many unique pieces that no one else is going to have, and those types of items are always my favorite. Till next time! 


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