


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Paint makes all the difference

This post is all about the power of paint. Seriously, paint makes all the difference. In our master bathroom we have a tiny room where the toilet is. Its an awkward space since its so small but also because the wall isn't a perfect square. The wall to the right has a slant so the toilet isn't completely centered. It drives me crazy but I thought maybe I could hate it a little less if I made a couple changes. This is what I started with....
I have a ton of leftover paint from the living room and I'm truly in love with the color down there so I figured why not......

And this is what it looks like right now.....

Kinda fancy huh? It feels so much more elegant, as elegant as a bathroom really can be that is, but I love it. I added the black and white picture, a basket on top of the toilet that holds our poo pourri [if you don't have any get it!] and a hand towel, and a wicker trash can I got at Walmart forever ago, easy peasy. 


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