


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

We've moved!

We are finally in the new house and its so amazing. We have non-stop been working to fix it up and there's still a lot to do but I wanted to at least show the before pictures and give a little update as well. So, Zack and I came over on Tuesday and got a lot of yard work done. The back yard has three large bushes that probably haven't been trimmed in over a year, and the yard itself was covered in dog feces from the former renter so we cleaned it all up, mowed, trimmed one of the bushes and pulled a ton of weeds, it looks a 100 times better already. We also found this pretty rose hidden in the back.

Then, on Wednesday it was official moving day. We got all our stuff moved into the garage since the carpets were horrendous and needed a good shampooing and the whole house needed a major deep clean. We got all the cleaning done that night including shampooing the carpets and they looks so much better! Most of the stains, not all, but MOST came out, I swear Folex is amazing. If you ever have a tough spot you should definitely try it! Anyways, Once the house was clean we moved everything into the actual house and started on projects! Our first projects was to change out the hideous light fixtures and whats funny is, we didn't go with ANY of the original selections we made. We were in Lowes to pick up the glass pendant I originally wanted and we spotted this cute chandelier in the clearance section with no price on it. I called over one of the workers and asked him how much and he told me $40. A total steal.

There wasn't anything wrong with it except someone had cut the ground wire really short and probably couldn't figure out how to fix it so they returned it and it worked for us since we weren't hanging our light low, so we got it, along with the pendant. When we got home that night Zack put up the chandelier. It was his first time changing a light fixture and it went  without an issue, that is until we tried to do the pendant. As soon as I opened the box I noticed that the glass dome, that was supposed to be clear, was blue. I'm talking blue blue. By this time it was late and Lowes was closed so we just ended up returning it the next day and going with something completely different. It was a blessing in disguise that the glass one didn't work because I really love the little lantern one we chose instead. It plays so well off the chandelier!

before and after 

before and after 

both lights 

I also changed the two boob lights to simple drum lamp shades and it made a big difference as well.

boob lights changed 

So for now that's all the major things we've done. There have been a lot of little odds and ends things but nothing worth blogging, but painting starts Thursday so there will definitely be something good soon but for now Ill leave this post with a bunch of terrible cell phone before pics....


master bathroom 

guest bath upstairs 
upstairs hall 

upstairs hall and office 


living room 

living room 

dining nook 

dining and kitchen 


guest bath/laundry room downstairs 


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