


Friday, January 20, 2017

Online Shopping Key Words

When you shop online you have one of two choices: Search for items or go through the menu and find them. When I online shop I don't like to waste time looking through each category to find what I'm looking for. Sometimes, I'm not even sure what I am looking for, so I choose to search using a few key words. Searching these words on ANY decor website has always worked in my favor so if you have a similar style to mine, that farmhouse rustic look, then here's some key words to help you out in your next online shopping spree.

1. Farmhouse- simple as it gets. This one generally pulls up a lot for me

2. Rustic- Same as above, usually pulls a lot of options.

3. Vintage- Lots of white, chippy painted items etc.

4. Industrial- Metal and wood... lots of it!

5. Cow -simply because I'm obsessed with cows

6. Fixer Upper Style- usually doesn't pull up as much but will definitely pull up great options from the show

7. Antique /Vintage[what ever I'm looking for]- putting antique or vintage in front of any specific thing you're looking for will always bring up an older more rustic version

8. Plaid/gingham/buffalo check - I am currently obsessed with plaid so I always search it to see what is available

Happy shopping!

Monday, January 16, 2017

The house search update

We found a house! Actually, it was the first house we saw. This house is incredible, really just everything we wanted. Its a brand new build just 30 minutes south of the city. Itll be a whole new experience for us since we've always lived in Colorado Springs but we are excited for the change. We ultimately decided to move out of town for a couple reasons. The first, the market in Colorado Springs is INSANE. Every house we sent to our realtor was already under contract or was a foreclosure, which we did NOT want. The second, this home will cost us about $50,000 LESS than homes half its size and a decade older here in the Springs so we really couldn't argue with the less money nicer, bigger space concept. I won't be showing any pictures or anything until its a done deal, you know how these things sometimes don't work out, but for now, we are under contract and so far things are moving smoothly so within a month or so we will know. Fingers crossed please.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Game Changer

This post is coming straight out of left field. Even as I sit here and type it I can't really believe it. A few days ago our landlord let us know that his mother is moving to Colorado and is going to be moving into this house on March 3. We were shocked. Now, this IS part of the agreement of us moving in here, we knew someday that she was going to move here and we would then have to move out but we weren't expecting it so soon. Basically, at this point, we have 60 days to be out of this house and into another one. We weighed our options, rent a house, rent an apartment or buy a house of our own. We ruled out the apartment straight away because we have accumulated way too much stuff since moving here and we just couldn't fathom how we could fit us and all of our stuff into a small apartment again. We did seriously consider renting another house but the rental prices here in Colorado Springs are insane right now and we didn't think it was worth paying $1400 a month for a tiny house on the bad side of town. This brings us to the final option and the one we are going with: buying our first home. Its so surreal. I always wanted to own my own home but never took that leap because I don't do well with big changes. I get scared and I back out before I end up going through with it. But, not this time. We got our pre-approval already and we start touring homes on Tuesday. We're nervous, excited, scared and happy all at once. This is the biggest purchase of our lives and quite possibly our forever home. What this means for the blog is there will be no more projects in this house, so the master bedroom and the office are just going to have to be on hold until we find a home and get settled in. We are so blessed and thankful for the time we have spent, the money we've saved and memories we've made in this home, but its time for us to take this leap of faith into a new chapter of our lives and we sincerely hope you continue to follow along, although at a much slower pace.
